Mana Expert in

by Vijayalaxmi



Our community, which has gained popularity with the names of Mangali, Mangala, Bhajantari, Nadabrahman, and Nayeebrahmana, has spread across the state of Telangana. Our main objective in establishing the website and developing Mana Expert In App is to embrace unique and progressive programs, and unite the community on a single platform. Towards that direction, Sri. Santosh Nadigottu, a dynamic entrepreneur has taken the mantle of pioneering such a website and an App. As the chief architect of these initiatives, he played a vital role from conceptualization to completion of them.The main goal is to create awareness among the Nayeebrahmana community, not only in Telangana state but also in other states, countries, and abroad, about the opportunities for education, employment, and skill development available to them. The focus is on empowering the community, especially the youth, with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in various fields and create a better future for themselves.